I did have a blog where I started posting my fanfiction. It was called 'Tales and Tails' (because I also occasionally uploaded pictures of cats.) But I felt unsatisfied by it. It seemed ill conceived, and I deleted it. I think some people missed it. I like the idea of hosting my fanfiction somewhere outside of fanfic sites so I'm going to start putting some of it up on here. I don't know how much, because these things are so time consuming. I'm also slowly making e-book versions of my Star Trek writing, which you can find here on Facebook. It's fun making e-books with proper covers, linked chapters and things, but time consuming, of course. I wasn't intending to make a 'come and worship me' facebook group, but it seemed like the best and easiest way to have a site where I could upload e-books for people to download. It also gives me a place to spew Star Trek thoughts on occasion without alarming my friends ;-)
So, let's do this. Let's see how well Blogger works as a fiction hosting site...
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